Landmark Lodge No. 383 Free & Accepted Masons
Proudly Serving The Communities of Deltona, DeBary, Orange City, Enterprise, Lake Helen, Osteen & Unincorporated South West Volusia County, Florida
720 North Apache Circle, Deltona Florida 32725

.Freemasonry is the oldest and largest worldwide fraternity dedicated to the Brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of a Supreme Being. Although of a religious nature, Freemasonry is not a religion. It urges its members, however, to be faithful and devoted to their own religious beliefs.
Freemasonry is a charitable organization, which acts to relieve the distress of local individuals who are victims of calamity, and it has created programs and institutions to care for its needy senior citizens, and to provide scholarship aid for worthy and needy young people in college.
Masons are men who voluntarily asked to join a Lodge. They were accepted because they were good men who believe in God and hold high ethical and moral ideals. They go to meetings which they call the Lodge. At a Lodge meeting, Masons organizing efforts to make a positive impact in our community, hande the business of the lodge and enjoy fellowship with each other.
As Masons, we are always striving to become better men by helping to learn and to teach what friendship, morality, and truth really involve, and to practice on a small scale the reality of brotherhood. We have plenty of social organizations in the fraternity for our wives and children as well as their friends and neighbors. From the Rainbow Girls & DeMolay Boys (Youth Oriented Programs) to the Eastern Star (which is an organization for our wives, adult daughters/nieces, and our mothers), we have family-oriented opportunities available.
So come by and visit our dinner meeting to learn more. We are located in Deltona Florida on 720 N Apache Circle in Deltona, which is part of Volusia County, Florida.

First, thank you for visiting our lodge’s website. I hope you find it informative and helpful to learn about Freemasonry. As the top past leaders in this Freemason Lodge, it is our pleasure to welcome you to our dinner meeting which starts at 6:30 pm on the second and fourth Thursday of each month. At the dinner meeting, you can have a chance to get introduced to Freemasonry, local Freemasons, the Past Master’s of the lodge, and ask any questions you wish.
Our fraternity is based on many secrets but we are not a secretive organization. When visiting websites such as Youtube or when visiting bookstores such as Barnes and Noble. There is a lot of information about Freemasonry some which are surprisingly accurate such as ‘Freemasons For Dummies’ while others such as Dan Brown’s Book Series which are completely fantasy based stories. Sadly, we don’t have millions of gold coins and valuable treasure hidden in our lodge – trust us if we did we would driving Ferraris, not our regular cars and trucks. Some individuals are fraudsters, they literally say anything and as any good con artist build up your confidence as if it was true. Unfortunately, researching all this can be entertaining or scary or frustrating – don’t worry feel free to ask us questions and then talk about it with your family. Nothing we do in our lodge is going to hurt your relationship with your God, your Family, or any of your civic duties or moral principles.
In the Lodge, we seek to develop society and ourselves. We teach the importance of becoming more patient, generous, tolerant, compassionate, and thoughtful. Yet, we also help society develop by supporting education, funding hurricane relief efforts, benefiting the at-risk youth and the sick, assisting with medical research, aiding the needy, and giving both time and money to many projects which help society grow and develop. It is fundamental that we make every effort to be engaged in our community.
We are a part of the Masonic brotherhood, therefore we challenge men to be better spiritually, morally and intellectually through a series of degrees. If you would like to know more about Freemasonry, feel free to join us for dinner at the lodge. If you would like to improve yourself and give of your talents to this great fraternity, Freemasonry would welcome you.
For more information, please feel free to contact us.
Thank you again for visiting our website and God Bless America!
The Past Masters of the Landmark Lodge No. 383
Landmark Lodge Past Masters
Bernard C. Schlenk (PPDGM 1992) 1981, 1982 & 2000
David E Christy 1983
Adriaan Sanberg (PPDGM 1996) 1985
James C Edwards 1986,1991
Herbert L Drew 1987
Robert P Mullett 1989
Bruce L Lawrence 1992
Patrick D Barbieri 1993 & 1994
Lewis H Wilson 1995
Jose Saucedo 1996
James A Nash (PDDGM 2001) 1998 & 2003
Jerry M Edwards 1999
Terry W Chateau 2004
M. Kenneth Meredith 2006
R. Sandy Thomasson 2008
B. Allen West (PDDGM 2011) 2009
Antonio A. Germosen 2010
Thomas L Turlington GM 2020 (PDDGM 2014) 2011
Kenneth Welker 2012
Joshua Ackerman 2013
Richard Dorton 2014
Jamey Prowant 2015
Edward Slauson 2016 DDGM 2019
Mitch Franklin 2017
Chris Dixon 2018
Edward Pisani Jr. 2019
Jerry Lisk 2020
Richard Dowling 2021
Landmark Lodge No. 383 of Freemasonry
Proudly Serving The Communities of: Deltona, DeBary, Orange City, Enterprise, Lake Helen, Osteen & Unincorporated South West Volusia County, Florida
© 2019 i4 Advertising Agency LLC